August Sock Club Suggestions
September has arrived - sweater weather and woolly socks are waiting just around the corner. In celebration of the approach of fall, here's my Halloween themed sock pattern round up. (You knew...
July Sock Club Suggestions
Did you nab a gorgeous Beatrix sock pack this month? Lucky you! I've got so many options for you to try. Plus, even though it's super-duper hot, I've still got socks...
April Club Suggestions: Peach Gin Fizz
It's time! April's shipment of Peach Gin Fizz will soon be in your mailbox. Let's start plotting our cast-ons, shall we? First up - this months' colorway is named for...
March Sock Club Suggestions: All Business
This month, I'm taking a tiny break from bright colors to focus on a calming blue which pairs with everything and isn't too boring: All Business on Marvelous Marl. I also...
January Sock Club Resources
Yay! The sock club has arrived - let's cast on! This is going to be the year we knit a whole wardrobe of gorgeous socks! If you've joined the Sock...